#StrongerTogether #NoMatterWhat
7. Dezember 2023
Genau zwei Monate nach den brutalen Angriffen der Hamas auf Israel, wir das Forum vom European Leadership Network (ELNET) veranstaltet. Dabei versammeln wir uns, um in schwierigen Zeiten an der Seite Israels zu stehen. Sie finden die Details der englischsprachichen Veranstaltung auf Englisch:
While the whole country is suffering, the war against Hamas also impacts Israel’s economy, in particular the tech sector for which Israel is known as Startup Nation. Many companies face severe personnel shortages due to reservists being called up for defense,
as well as decreased international venture capital investments. Israel has learned to be resilient and adaptable from past conflicts, successfully overcoming these challenges. Yet, what holds utmost importance now is fostering ongoing commitment and starting
new partnerships with international businesses. ELNET has been linking the German economy with the Israeli innovation ecosystem through its German Israeli Network of Startups & Mittelstand (GINSUM) since 2020.
Now, more than ever, we invite you to express unwavering support and explore avenues for collaboration. Let's unite, not just in words, but in actions that bolster the ties between German businesses and Israel's innovative landscape.
Date: December, 7, 2023 // 9:00 -10:35 AM (german time), 10:00-11:35 AM (israeli time)
Place: Digital, as Webinar
09:00: Welcome and Introduction: Carsten Ovens, CEO, ELNET (Germany/Austria/Switzerland)
09:05: Political Keynote
09:25: Business Keynotes
09:35: No Matter What – Israeli Resilience (powered by Start-Up Nation Central)
10:05: Stronger Together – Collaboration between Germany and Israel
10:30: Concluding Remarks: Dr. Emmanuel Navon, CEO, ELNET (Israel)
10:35: End